Creative Researchers
In science for Years 8 and 9, each class is named after a scientist, some more famous than others! Classes have battled against each other over a competitive research task about their scientist, where they were asked to produce either a book or a poster. The science department has been blown away by the efforts of all the pupils, some who have gone above and beyond expectations. The winning classes for the most overall entries are: –
Year 8 – Mr. Bunn (Albert Einstein) and Miss. Bainbridge (Brian Cox)
Year 9 – Mrs. Swinbank (Harriet Brooks), Mr. Walker (Amanda Vincent) and Miss. Maddison (Jane Goodall) all with 100%
Each individual winner will receive a gift voucher and they are: From 9A – 1st Emily Carr, 2nd Maisie Hedley, from 9B – 1st Enaya Rajapalsse, 2nd Katie Robinson, from 8A 1st Isaac Giles , 2nd Kayla Hills and from 8B 1st Isabel Byers, 2nd Sara Camara
Well done to you all!