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Table Tennis Tournament

Our partners, Sunderland Community Action Group, celebrated the achievements of our Year 7 & 8 pupils who competed in their table tennis tournament as part of our lunch time activities programme.  Well done to Kyle Hutchinson & Joseph Fisher who won the singles. Rewards...
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Class Brass

Monday the 14th November saw the Houghton Area Youth Band perform at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall as part of the Music for Youth Proms. They were the first band to take the main stage and also opened the second half, playing a fanfare piece from high up in the Gallery.  Well...
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Southmoor Remembers

Last week we staged our annual series of assemblies to mark Remembrance.  Esteemed guests included The Mayor of Sunderland – Councilor Alan Emerson, Reverend Canon Sheila Bamber of Sunderland Minster, Sunderland Central MP Julie Elliott and local servicemen from our armed forces...
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An Away Fixture

Our Year 8 Martin Gray Football Academy representatives recentley visited St James’ Park, the home of Championship team Newcastle United. Squad members were taken on a tour of the stadium and were able to see how a football club runs when matches aren’t being played...
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Bright Sparks

Following a workshop with local writer James Whitcham, Year 10 Btec Performing Arts students had an amazing learning experience when they visited Spark FM before half term.  Spark FM is a local radio station based at Sunderland University and students took part in the...
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Yr 12 Take to the Lakes

Year 12 went for their traditional ‘Welcome to Sixth Form’ visit to the Lake District last weekend.  70 students and staff descended on Derwent Hill, for a packed few days of gill-scrambling, canoeing, high rope challenges and midnight walks.     The students were impeccable...
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Yr 7 Parents Evening

Thanks to parents, pupils and staff from Year 7 and 12 who met together this week to review progress.  We had a fantastic turnout and it was great to meet the parents of some of our new Year 7 students for the first time. Feedback and communication is very important to us as an...
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A Taste of Southmoor

Our Academy  played host to nearly 200 year 6 visitors from Southmoor’s feeder schools recentley. Hill View Juniors, Valley Road Community Primary and Grangetown Primary all experienced a range of exciting lessons including art, English, science, music and languages as well...
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New Peer Support Suite

We have recently refurnished the upper area of the Reading Suite, to form our Peer Support Hub. Staffed by trained sixth form mentors, the area will be accessible to all pupils in need of peer support. More information will soon be rolled out to all pupils in assemblies about...
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Open Evening 2016!

Last Wednesday saw us host our Academy Open Evening and, as you can see from the photos, it was a fantastic event with more people than ever coming to see just what makes Southmoor such a wonderful place to be. We’d also like to thank everyone who attended, our staff who...
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