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Offers of a Life Time

Offers have started to flood in for our sixth form students from universities across the country, but special mention has to go to Adam Liddle who has secured a place studying Natural Sciences at Christ’s College Cambridge.  Adam is a hugely talented scientist who...
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New Clubs Arrive!

As reported last year we will be launching our new Club and Enrichment Menu for pupils this week. With the help of our staff and members of Sunderland Community Action Group, we have put together the biggest roster of clubs and activities we have ever had,...
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Year 8 Options

YEAR 8 KEY STAGE FOUR OPTIONS PROCESS January 2017 DATE INFORMATION/EVENT Friday 6th January Year 8 Assembly – advice about the labour market; sixth form information and information regarding the Key Stage 4 Options process 9th – 13th January Year 8 Assemblies will be presented...
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Carol Service 2016

Our celebration of the festive season continued on Tuesday evening with our annual Carol Concert. Outstanding performances were seen from some truly talented youngsters from Southmoor and our guest choirs from Hill View Juniors and Valley Road Community primary schools. The event...
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Sixth Form Open Evening 2016

The Sixth Form was a hive of activity last night. Not only did we have a fantastic turnout from Southmoor and Sandhill View pupils, but there were more students from schools across the city and beyond coming to our Academy to see our wonderful Sixth Form than we’ve ever...
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Shake It up

It’s back!. To mark the winter season, we have replaced our popular Southmoor Ices with ‘Southmoor Shakes’ serving ‘Yazoo’ milkshakes that meet government standards for healthy schools, as a way of recognising the achievements of our pupils. Students who are...
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Newcastle University Assemblies

This morning, Newcastle University visited Southmoor to deliver an assembly regarding further career paths and routes into degrees. As a prestigious Russell Group University with close links to our Sixth Form,  this was an excellent opportunity for our our Year 11 pupils to find...
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Team Building Bonds

A group of Year 11 boys recently spent three days at Derwent Hill Activity Centre. As well as taking part in a number of team-building and adventurous activities, the pupils spent some time considering career options after Key Stage 4, including applying apprenticeships.
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Bin it to Win it

Our rewards initiatives continue in our drive to encourage pupils to dispose of their litter responsibly and take pride in their school environment, with the relaunch of our ‘ Bin It to Win It’ campaign. Pupils spotted disposing of their litter sensibly are given a reward ticket...
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New Recruits for The MGFA

Our Martin Gray Football Academy continues to go from strength-to-strength and has now increased in size, now incorporating our year 7 new recruits. The squad members have really impressed the academy coaches and we are looking forward to the boys representing our school and...
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