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Google Box

Last week, the Geography department welcomed the Google Expeditions Pioneer Program to promote virtual reality learning.  Pupils in Years 7 to 9 experienced virtual reality learning in locations around the world including a tropical rainforest, hot desert biomes and even the...
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Year 11 in the Frame

Last week we staged the annual Year 11 group photograph to celebrate moving towards the end of Key Stage 4. We captured some great shots of students looking smart in the sunshine which will be available to purchase later this term.
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Ice to See You Again

Along with the sunshine, our ever popular ‘Southmoor Ices’ have also returned to Southmoor. As usual, students are rewarded for good behaviour, attitude or effort with a voucher to exchange for a refreshing milk shake or ice cream.
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Ms Murley Goes the Distance

Congratulations to Ms Murley, Attendance Manager, who has recently participated in several challenges to raise money for charity including a biplane across the Tyne, the London Marathon and the Sunderland City Half Marathon. Her team raised over £2,600 in aid of The Stroke...
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Southmoor Keep the Cup

It’s not just the brighter weather that’s lifted spirits at Southmoor this week. We became Sunderland School’s FA City Cup winners for the second year in a row thanks to the great coaching skills of Mr Henderson, congratulation to the whole team!
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Revision Rewards

Over the run-up to this year’s GCSE examinations, Year 11 have been working hard by attending extra revision classes to enhance their subject knowledge going into exams. To recognise their efforts, we have introduced ‘Revision Rewards’, where pupils who attend...
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Parisian Perfection

  Just before Easter, a group of Key Stage 4 students took part in a languages residential trip to Paris.  They visited all the major sites including Notre Dame Cathedral, Pompidou Centre, The Louvre (including a chance to see the famous Mona Lisa) and climbed the...
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Easter Enjoyment

Our doors remained open over the Easter break and our partners from ‘Sunderland Community Action Group’ hosted their ‘Fit & Fed’ free activity programme.  Pupils enjoyed a range of activities including multi-sports, gardening, cookery and games.
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Pupils on Piste

Our annual ski trip took place over the Easter Break. This year we visited the Italian Dolomites, where our pupils could learn how to ski and enjoy the slopes in some amazing conditions admits outstanding scenery. This was our best ski trip yet, everyone had a fantastic time and...
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Fit & Fed for Easter

Sunderland Community Action Group are running a free scheme open to pupils during the Easter holiday.  The days are themed around getting fit and eating healthily with a range of activities including multi sports, cookery, arts & crafts, gardening, computer game...
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