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Emergency Services Day

We focused on careers when branches of our local public emergency services visited the school.  Every pupil was given the opportunity to explore the vehicles and equipment as well as speak to professional staff from the Fire, Police and Ambulance services. They also got the...
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New Appointments at the Sixth Form

We welcomed our newest appointment – soon-to-be-Dr Katarzyna Kosior.  After completing her viva and (we hope) gaining her doctorate in History, Katarzyna will be spearheading the OxNet initiative, whereby Southmoor will become the North East hub for Oxford...
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Chemistry at Work

On Tuesday, 14 Year 8 students attended the ‘Chemistry at Work’ event at the University of Sunderland.  The aim was to show alternative career options after studying Chemistry rather than just the stereotypical laboratory jobs associated with the subject. Students took part...
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An Uplifting Visit

This week we welcomed the RAF to give a special presentation to Year 8 and 9. We learnt about careers available in the RAF before observing fun demonstrations on the basic principles of flight. Pupils were wowed by this very dynamic presentation that had everything from a camera...
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Magnificent Mathematicians

Forty mathematicians from Year 7 and 8 took part in the Junior Maths Challenge, a national examination to test the most able with a variety of mathematical problems.  We are delighted that over half of the students entered were awarded a bronze, silver or gold...
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5-a-day for Health & Happiness

Our school nursing team have been providing pupils with information and freebies about health and happiness this week. Being mindful of your own mental health and well-being is becoming more important in our busy and stressful modern world. The team encouraged pupils to be aware...
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Pupils at the Polls

Last week Southmoor was emerged in election fever. During personal development time pupils have been given a taste of political party manifestos culminating in casting their own vote. The results were a little different to the General Election but far more in line with the...
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Primary School Pop-in

Our pastoral team accompanied by current Year 7 pupils visited primary schools last week to spend time with Year 6 pupils joining the Southmoor family in September. The visits were a huge success and certainly helped build the confidence of our new pupils in their transition from...
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The Finishing Touches

It’s not just Year 11 who have been working hard, our Year 13 students are also preparing themselves for A Level exams. An excellent example of this is in the Art department, where students have been working on their final pieces.  
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Bound for Berlin

Our Languages department are organising an exciting trip to the German capital city of Berlin for students currently in Years 9 to 12.  Flying directly from Newcastle, the trip will take place from 13th – 17thDecember 2017.  Students will visit the...
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