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Thinking About Finance

Thank you to ambassadors from Northumbria University who presented workshops to Year 10 and 11 Honours students. Pupils were challenged to think about student finance and asked to plan a month of expenses on a given budget as well as to think about their strengths and weaknesses...
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Tom Cowie Trust Challenge

Year 8 pupils participating in the Sir Tom Cowie Trust Achievement and Engagement Challenge tested out their literacy skills and sporting prowess.  They worked as a team to increase their all-important points tariff. Congratulations to Team Triton who came top in...
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First Tins Come Rolling In

We saw the first collection point for donations to our Tin Appeal 2017.  We are impressed so far by the generosity with 587 tins so far – keep them rolling in! Remember the final deadline for collection is Tuesday 19th December. The form class...
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Our First Advent Attendees Collect Their Prizes

Well done to Kelsie Farnsworth, Bailey Shields, Mahima Akhtaw, Emeraude Yembe & Sky Seery who collected their prizes as part of our December Attendance Advent. They were awarded with Christmas chocolates or gift vouchers as part of a daily draw...
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Bouncing Back

Girls sport is flying high as we near the end of term.  The Under 14 Girls’ Basketball Team played in the City Tournament at Sunderland University’s ‘City Space’ where they competed against Biddick, Oxclose and St. Anthony’s. The highlight was the last few seconds of the...
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Going the Extra Mile

The Wearside Schools’ Cross-Country Competition took place at Farringdon and we were able to take a full squad of girls and boys in Years 7 – 9. Athletes had to battle against difficult conditions and tough competitors but represented the school impeccably with high...
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Berlin Visit 2017

Our annual trip to Berlin sets out from school this Wednesday at 1.30pm & will return on Sunday 17th Dec at 8pm (GMT). We will once again be using a tracker for parents to check on the progress of the trip. Please...
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Sixth Form Open Evening 2017

The atmosphere in the Sixth Form was buzzing on Wednesday evening as we held the first Open Evening of the academic year.  There was a fantastic turnout with students from across the city as well as Southmoor joining us to see what we are about.  Year 12 and 13 student...
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Southmoor Students Go Live

The students who won the Sun FM ‘Next Generation C-Card Project’ had their radio message beamed out live this week! Tune in to Sun FM (or click here) to listen to their message. Julian Carter of Sun FM visited school to hand over the trophy to the girls.
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School Council Join The Debate

Seven members of the Student Council attended the annual ‘State of the City’ debate at the City Council Chambers. This Sunderland Youth Parliament event debated topics including Mental Health, A Curriculum for Life, Transportation, LGBT issues and Work Experience. Southmoor...
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