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Pondering About Portfolios

Cleveland College of Art and Design came to Southmoor to talk to GCSE and A Level students with an interest in Creative Degree courses. The talk outlined the skills, qualities and attributes that are important for a creative course and how to produce a good portfolio of work. The...
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Buddy The Anti Bullying Bear

In the Autumn Term, as part of our drive to raise awareness of the negative impact of bullying, pupils were asked to design a slogan to be worn by our very own cuddly mascot.  The Student Council are delighted to announce that the winning design came from Millie...
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Summer Service

The National Citizen Service (NCS) talked to Year 11 students to launch their summer initiative. A bespoke programme over the summer break (which includes residential trips) will give pupils the opportunity to embark on exhilarating challenges as well as building skills for work...
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A Career That Reaches New Heights

We were once again invited to take a group of Year 11 pupils to visit Liebherr Sunderland, a manufacturing plant on the banks of the Wear for maritime cranes and cargo handling equipment.  Students were given a tour of the site as well as receiving invaluable advice...
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Falcons Swoop In For Training

We were pleased to welcome coaches from Newcastle Falcons to deliver special rugby classes to students. With the introduction of rugby to our sporting enrichment activities we have seen a growing enthusiasm for the sport amongst students and this was a fantastic opportunity to...
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Sophie’s Success

Once again, we are delighted that Sophie Bulmer has been successful treading the boards at her local Music and Performing Arts Academy. Sophie achieved an amazing 98% in her musical theatre exam, one of the highest marks in the North East!  You can read more about...
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Les Mis Sets the Stage

In anticipation of our most ambitious school production yet, cast and crew have begun full stage rehearsals for the upcoming musical ‘Les Miserables’. The show is scheduled to take place over three nights on 27th February, 1st & 2nd March. Tickets...
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Cambridge Calls In

We welcomed students from Cambridge University who participated in discussions with Year 9 and 10 students about what to expect from higher education. The group workshops are designed to raise aspirations and awareness whilst equipping students with the skills and knowledge to...
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Disney 100 Gets the Green Light

As part of our incentive to encourage positive attitudes and excellent attendance our Disney 100 Challenge came to a close this week.  Year 7 and 8 pupils received their green Disney Badges giving them eligibility to take part in the celebration trip to Euro Disney in Paris...
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Little Helpers in our Winter Workshop

We were delighted in welcoming some 180 Year 1 infants from local primary feeder schools in the last week of term when we staged a carousel of Christmas activity workshops for the youngsters. They even got to visit Santa in the Southmoor Grotto. Well done to the lucky...
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