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School Council in Session

The Student Council had lunch with the Principal to discuss and present ideas they have gathered from their peers to further improve the Academy. Ideas included free water dispenses, summer activities, charity fund raising and further recycling initiatives.
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Pitch Preparation

Intrepid students who are part of our Duke of Edinburgh Award Challenge set out on the final part of their journey recently. The group headed out to weather the outdoors and test the skills they have learned along the way. As part of this, students took the time to practice...
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Year 7 Girls Aren’t Stumped by Cricket

Thank you to representatives from Durham County Cricket Club who joined us recently to give a group of Year 7 girls a cricket taster session. We are working closely with the club to promote the sport and inspire students to give it a go, especially amongst our female cohort....
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Exploring Age Related Issues

Students once again collaborated in year groups to explore age-related PSHCE and SMSC issues. Pupils in Years 7 to 10 were able to explore a wide range of issues, including stereotyping and prejudice, British Values, mental/emotional health, politics, careers and sex education.
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Lessons from the Past

We were recently joined by representatives from the Holocaust Memorial Trust who presented lessons to Year 8 students to prepare them for a meeting with a Holocaust survivor later this half term. Students learnt about the differing values of historical evidence, what we can learn...
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Southmoor & Sandhill View Enjoy the Slopes

Over Easter, pupils from Southmoor and Sandhill View Academy embarked upon our annual ski trip. This year we again visited the Italian Dolomites for an adventure on the slopes in stunning scenery. Everyone had a fantastic time, whether it was learning the basics or...
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Insight Continues to Inspire

We welcomed Year 5 pupils from Barnes Junior School to take part in our latest Insight Raising Aspirations Day. Our visitors had a fantastic time at our Sixth Form, sampling advanced topics and learning more about themselves, including which animal most represents their...
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Welcoming the Next Generation

We recently saw the first Taster Day as part of our transition programme where we welcomed over 100 Year 5 pupils from Hill View Junior Academy who had a fantastic time engaging in Languages, History, English, Maths and Music as well as brushing up their literacy skills in...
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Pool Refurbishment Goes Swimmingly

Following a refurbishment of our school pool, the Swimming Club is once again making a splash with Swimming Instructor, Mrs Thompson, overseeing sessions and training. Watch this space for information about swimming activities including upcoming plans for a school wide swimming gala.
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Pupils in Panto

Three of our amazing Les Mis stars have been once again treading the boards over Easter.  Corey Clarke, Katrina Wake and Sam Scott took part in Park Productions Pantomime Aladdin over the Easter Holidays.  Well done to our talented Performing Arts...
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