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Thinking First Aid

Sunderland Community Action Group hosted a day long series of lessons on first aid training. The lesson involved instructing students on what to do in an emergency, showing them how to provide CPR if needed and equip them with other potentially lifesaving skills.
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Cricketing Congratulations

Year 7 & 8 Cricket teams took part in the ‘Chance to Compete’ Cricket Festival competing against five local schools and finished as winners of the morning mini-league.  This took them into the semi-final where special mention must go to Roman Bozyk who...
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The Nest Generation

Earlier in the term the Science department began incubation on a selection of chicken eggs for Year 7 pupils to study as part of exploring life cycles, survival skills and adaptions of living organisms. We were happy to welcome some fluffy new arrivals as the chicks...
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Police Top Brass Visit Southmoor

Southmoor is investing time and resources in engaging pupils to become more aware of risks to mental and physical health, so they develop the skills to lead happy and fulfilled lives. We were delighted to welcome Superintendent Steven Heatley from Northumbria Police. His visit to...
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A Voice from History

Year 8 and Year 12 students were privileged to hear a moving first hand account of history from Holocaust survivor, Rudi Oppenheimer. Mr Oppenheimer had students enthralled as he recounted his childhood in Germany, the UK and Holland before speaking about the persecution of...
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The Danger of Drugs at Work

As part of our drive to raise awareness of drug use and the dangers this can present, students were given a presentation with special emphasis on how substance abuse can affect safety and performance in the workplace. We were once again joined by Gordon Angus of Hall & Angus...
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Up For A Challenge

Duke of Edinburgh pupils completed their expedition near Hadrian’s Wall. They were completely self-sufficient for two days and one night where they walked across country over a considerable distance. Students carried everything they needed in their rucksacks including their tent,...
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School Council

School Council members took part in a consultation with Gordon Angus of Hall & Angus. Mr. Angus was in school to hear feedback on what the pupils thought of a series of cards his company is producing to aid teaching awareness of different substances that are often abused....
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Nurturing a Growth Mindset

Miss Palethorpe delivered assemblies where she talked to students about having a ‘Growth Mindset’. A keen runner in her spare time, Miss Palethorpe used the example of Sir Roger Bannister, the first man to break the three-minute mile (a feat thought of as impossible at the time),...
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Year 8 Lads Bring Home the Silver

Well done to the Year 8 boys’ football team who collected their Under 14 league title at the Sunderland Schools’ Football Association Awards Evening. The boys had a fantastic season, winning every game except for one draw!  Despite this, it was a close competition with...
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