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New School Uniform

This September there will be changes to Southmoor’s school uniform. The school tie and the girls’ skirts will be replaced. School ties will be free of charge in the first instance and the new skirts, which are of a very good quality, can be obtained from our local...
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Southmoor Ices

Last week saw the reintroduction of our Principal’s  Awards. The Principal’s rewards categories are academic achievement, sporting achievement, and personal / social development and will be nominated by staff each week who feel they have a student who has demonstrated...
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Personal Development Day

The 4th July 2016 will be Personal Development day, students will not follow normal timetables for this day. Lessons have been planned to teach students skills needed for everyday life including online safety, politics, finance, mental health, health and sex & relationships...
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Diabetes Award

We are delighted that Diabetes UK have chosen us for a “Good Diabetes Care in School Award.” This is because the school has demonstrated excellent care and support for its students with Type 1 Diabetes. The school has ensured that none of these students are excluded from any part...
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Revision Retreat

Over 50 of our most able students descended on the countryside of Northumberland over the bank holiday weekend, with two main goals; to have lots fun and to revise with a vengeance. Students studying for the GCSE in ICT were accompanied by the whole ICT department, who trained...
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Southmoor Silverware

Congratulations to our amazing boy’s football teams who collected several trophies at the Sunderland Schools Football Awards on Tuesday evening. Overall our lads brought home the Under 15 Cup, whilst finishing second in their league. Our under 14 boys were not to be out done...
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In a recent ‘Teacher Talk’ article we met Mr. McBain, one of our Teachers of English, who is training to represent Great Britain at Triathlon. We can now happily report that Mr. McBain has received a call up to the GBR Team at the European Triathlon Championships in Portugal next...
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Westend Wonders

Prior to Easter, the Performing Arts Department led a trip to the West End in London. The three day trip was jam packed with activities, including a West End Performance of Les Misérables, a meet and greet with the stars of the show, a tour of HMS Belfast, a walk along The South...
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Baking Money

As featured in a previous blog edition Year 7 pupils will be taking part in a business scheme this term, called ‘Make £5 Grow’. The aim is to provide pupils with real life experience of starting a mini business. It’s great fun, they learn lots, and it helps them build skills for...
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Students Hit the Slopes

Over the Easter holidays, 40 students and 8 members of staff, departed for the Annual Ski Trip, this year returning to Andorra. The 26 hour coach journey did not deter our students from an action-packed week of activities that awaited them! Throughout the week, pupils enjoyed 5...
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