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Out in the Field

Well done to our Year 11 pupils who completed their expedition for the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. The poor weather did not dampen spirits with the fantastic scenery of the Roman Wall more than making up for it.  
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Piste Planning

After another hugely successful ski trip at Easter, planning is already underway for the 2017 trip, where this year a change of destination will take our budding high altitude adventurers to Passo Tonale, a picturesque village situated in the Italian Dolomite mountain range. The...
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CSI: Southmoor

Our year 8 pupils were an asset to Southmoor Academy when they attended the ‘Chemistry At Work’ sessions presented at the University of Sunderland last week. The highlights of the day included: participation in the demonstration of hydrogen explosions in the Sun; using scientific...
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Time to Celebrate!

This week, we kicked off our annual awards season, with our first events celebrating the achievements of Griffin and Pegasus Houses. With a magnificent turn out and some stunning performances, the evenings were a great success. We look forward to continuing our celebrations with...
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Coastal Coursework

On Tuesday and Friday this week our Year 10 GCSE Geography groups visited Blyth and Seaton Sluice in Northumberland, to look at why and how the coastline in this area is managed. Students walked the entire 4 mile length of the seafront to Seaton Sluice, where they then...
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Sunderland MP Visit

We were delighted to welcome Julie Elliott, MP for Sunderland Central last Friday morning. Mrs Elliott spoke in assembly about her experience of the democratic system. Her visit was all the more poignant given the recent events surrounding the death of Jo Cox MP. Pupils were...
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Yr 5’s Take to the Pitch

Last week we welcomed Year 5 pupils from Hill View Juniors and Valley Road Primary, who are joining our Martin Gray Football Academy squad training sessions each Wednesday. The latest recruits to the Academy, enjoyed the session and embraced working alongside their secondary peers.
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Codex in the Capital

Alice Ward of Year 7 and her mum set off to the capital on Wednesday to take part in the‘Codex 1300 Project’, where a children’s version of this historical document was signed before it is received by The Vatican. Alice’s mum said of their trip. “Thanks for such a fantastic...
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Rio Rewards

Our Summer rewards incentives continue this week, where our ‘Rio Rewards’  were launched, based upon the theme of the forthcoming Olympic Games, to be hosted in Brazil. Students will participate in themed competitions based upon Olympic ideals and can be awarded Bronze, Silver...
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Onions & Eggs

At the start of this school year, our Year 7 pupils used research and investigation to determine how to grow a plant from a seed. This included research and investigation in seed germination and potting. Every Year 7 pupil has now planted an onion set and will hopefully reap the...
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