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Connexions Interviews

As part of our commitment to supporting our pupils as they embark upon the next phase of their life after school, we are hosting personal advisors from Connexions Tyne & Wear all this week and next. Connexions offer statutory careers information, advice and guidance services...
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Articulation is a national public speaking competition, where students deliver a presentation on a piece of art that they have personally experienced.  Michael Beattie, of Year 13, represented Southmoor 6th Form and won the North East round, beating off competition from...
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Codex in the Class Room

As reported last year, our students took part in a collaborative project to re-create the historical ‘Codex Amiatinus’, a bible produced by monks in Wearmouth over 1300 years ago. The new ‘Codex 1300’ was then sent to Westminster to be signed by the Arch Bishop of Canterbury,...
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Be Wise, Revise!

With mock exams soon to be underway and GCSE’s looming, we have created a programme of revision classes for our Year 11 pupils.  Each day, after school, pupils wishing to study for their exams, or in need of help with revision, can attend additional booster classes for...
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Clubs in Full Swing

As reported last week, our new clubs are now in full swing. Already we have seen pupils taking the opportunity to enjoy these new additions to their school day, with many jumping at the chance to enjoy fun activities at lunchtime and after school. We hope that the popularity of...
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Off to See the Wizard

Rehearsals for this year’s school production of The Wizard of Oz are well underway. Our performing arts department are working hard with pupils over lunchtimes and after school to make this year’s show another success. The performances will take place from 28th February to the...
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Sixth Form Open Evening

We had our best turnout yet for the latest Sixth Form Open Evening. This was a chance for students to think about where they want to be in three years time, and with seven universities and three higher apprenticeship providers in attendance, they had plenty of people to talk to....
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Offers of a Life Time

Offers have started to flood in for our sixth form students from universities across the country, but special mention has to go to Adam Liddle who has secured a place studying Natural Sciences at Christ’s College Cambridge.  Adam is a hugely talented scientist who...
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New Clubs Arrive!

As reported last year we will be launching our new Club and Enrichment Menu for pupils this week. With the help of our staff and members of Sunderland Community Action Group, we have put together the biggest roster of clubs and activities we have ever had,...
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Year 8 Options

YEAR 8 KEY STAGE FOUR OPTIONS PROCESS January 2017 DATE INFORMATION/EVENT Friday 6th January Year 8 Assembly – advice about the labour market; sixth form information and information regarding the Key Stage 4 Options process 9th – 13th January Year 8 Assemblies will be presented...
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