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Disaster Proof Pasta

Pupils had to plan and then construct with a budget the tallest free standing tower using only spaghetti and marshmellows. It took resilience, as lots of towers fell and had to be rebuilt or adapted as the height increased and plenty of team work to make it work. Our young...
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Geography Students Out in the Field

Year 10 geographers have been out and about in the sun collecting data to help them answer fieldwork questions in their exam next year. They spent time in Newcastle and South Shields looking at the impact of regeneration around Graingertown, and sand dune development. They’ll now...
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Rookie Lifeguards Make a Splash

Students have been having a great time in our brand new Rookie Lifeguard Club! Pupils signed up for a new challenge this term and have been enjoying getting in to the life of a Rookie Lifeguard. The club takes place every Monday after school and everyone really enjoys swimming...
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Tennis & Rounders Stars

We took an enthusiastic group of Year 7 & 8 students to a summer sports competition at Sunderland’s Puma Centre. All girls participated in tennis and rounders tournaments and improved their skills and confidence in all areas of the games. We played and won games against...
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On the Trail of Bronze

Our Duke of Edinburgh expeditioners were out for adventure again. Having completed successful practice expeditions earlier in the year. They have now embarked on their final intrepid journey, heading out to brave the outdoors as well as test their skills, such as map-reading,...
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The Pandemic Project

Year 8 students from Southmoor and Sandhill took part in an exclusive ‘Pandemics Through Time’ project with Newcastle University and Durham University. They spent 4 days exploring both historic pandemics and COVID-19 through different academic lenses. Students visited...
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Sink or Swim

Miss Lowes’ and Miss Swinbank’s Year 8 classes competed in ‘The Big Boat Challenge’. Here, students designed their vessels using only tin foil, lollipop sticks and Sellotape. During the final sink-off, teams had three challenges: 1. Did the boat fit in the...
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Next School Musical Announced!

We are delighted to announce our performing art’s department’s production for next year which will be: ‘High School Musical’. Disney Channel’s smash hit movie musical comes to life on our very own stage! Troy, Gabriella, and the students of East High must deal with issues...
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Celebrating World Ocean Day

Year 7 got the opportunity to speak to Dr Thom Linley, a world leading deep-sea biologist. He introduced them to the environmental conditions of the deep sea such as pressure, food availability and light. Dr Linley also explained the challenges of studying the deep sea and...
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Adventures in Disneyland Return!

As a reward for their excellent behaviour and attendance students from Years 7 and 8 enjoyed their much-anticipated Disneyland Paris trip, which has returned after a two-year break due to Covid-19 limitations. Pupils had a fantastic time exploring the parks and enjoying the...
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