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Unfaltering Footballers

It’s been another great week for our football teams.  First came a victory for Year 8 against Farringdon in a hard-fought match against the league favourites with our boys ending the game with a well-earned 2-1 win. Year 9 then came back from behind to...
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Councillor Visit

Thanks to Sunderland City Councillor, Louise Farthing for visiting Southmoor.  As well as discussing special education needs and disability support she also looked at whole school initiatives such as enrichment activities, Student Council and our peer mentoring...
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H’way the Lads

Our boys’ football teams have had strong starts to their seasons.  Year 9 beat visitors Thornhill Academy 8–0 then, not to be outdone, Year 11 were victorious in a hard-fought Academy Trust Derby, winning 1–0 against Sandhill View Academy.  Well done lads!
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Attendance Adventurers

All Year 10 pupils achieving over 97% attendance from 30th October until 22nd December will be eligible to take part in a free enrichment trip to Gravity Force trampoline park or a private screening complete with popcorn at a local cinema.
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Students Tackle Rugby

Our brand-new Rugby Club has taken off recently. The club is an opportunity for students to test their rugby skills, learn the rules and receive personal training from local coaches. Training takes place every Tuesday after school for girls and Thursday after school for boys...
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Inter-House Heroes

It was the turn of Year 9 girls to take part in their Inter-House Dodgeball Competition. It was a fast and frantic set of games which ended with Griffin House as victors, followed by Triton in second place, Phoenix third and Pegasus fourth.  Well done to everyone who took...
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In For A Scare

Year 7 and 8 students are invited to take part in a creative writing competition over half term to celebrate Halloween! All entries must be handed to Miss Summerside in Room 73 on Monday 30th October so the winner can be announced on the 31st October! Winners from year...
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Student Council in Session

The new Student Council held their first meeting generating some great ideas and enthusiasm amongst the group.  Matters discussed included duty allocation for the members, ideas on how to gather student suggestions, anti-bullying week, whole school eco drive and early ideas...
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On Our Minds

Sixth Form students Sophie Armour and Imogen Airson continued their drive to raise awareness of mental health as part of National Mental Health Awareness Week and to develop the Extended Project Qualification. The girls delivered assemblies to pupils discussing the importance of...
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Pupil Takes On The Junior Great North Run

Well done to our Year 7 and former Barnes Junior School pupil Ava Weatherspoon for her recent fundraising efforts.  Ava took part in the Junior Great North Run raising over £100 for charity. Hopefully more pupils will follow Ava’s example and strap on their running...
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