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Strength in Diversity

We were visited by local community leader, Mr. Zaf Iqbal who spoke with Year 9 students about the importance of not discriminating against people of other faiths, ethnicities and beliefs.  Mr. Iqbal highlighted the difficulties faced by local Muslims in recent years as...
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Road Aware

Year 8 students were presented with an impactful performance delivered by ‘The Riot Act’ on the topic of being safe and aware around road traffic.  With six years of experience in the education sector, The Riot Act engage with young people and deliver powerful messages....
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The Finest Hospitality

We continued introductions to local careers with a look at the hospitality industry.  Students visited The Hilton Garden, Marriott Hotel and Roker Hotel to gain an insight into the different career paths available in these areas. Highlights of the visit included pizza making...
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Thanks to all our visitors who made such a valuable contribution to Remembrance assemblies, including Julie Elliott MP, the Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Doris MacKnight and her Consort, Mr Keith MacKnight and Reverend Andrew Dowsett of...
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Car Crazy

Pupils from Years 7 to 10 have been taking part in visits to local car giant Nissan. The focus of the visits was to promote careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).  Pupils had a tour of the site and took part in workshops and activities. Thank you to...
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A Taste of Sixth Form Life

We gave Year 11 students the chance to attend short taster lessons after school in the A-level subjects they could study at Sixth Form. The snappy lessons were designed to give a flavour of subjects such as Sociology, English Literature & Language, Biology, Media,...
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Behind the Scenes

With Les Miserables performance rehearsals progressing at an exceptional standard, the creative team are wasting no time in getting the props and set ready for show night. Although the show may not be until February, with rehearsals progressing as fast as they are, the props...
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Spooktacular Stories

Well done to pupils who entered our Halloween Writing Competition over half term. It was certainly difficult to choose a winner from the chilling tales submitted. Congratulations to Ben Anderson for a fantastic story centred around an eerie sweet shop named...
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New Social Space

We recently saw the grand opening of our new social space. With the capacity to house up to 100 pupils and complete with its own VIP serving hatch, the area is available to specific year groups on a half-termly basis as a reward for accumulating the most praise points. This...
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Talking Fire Safety

Thank you to representatives from local emergency services who visited the Academy to speak to students about the importance of staying safe around fireworks.
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