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Survey on the Rocks

Year 11 GCSE Geographers visited Hendon Beach to investigate the direction and management of longshore drift. Students completed a longshore drift direction test, interviewed the public and took photographs. The first group enjoyed calm conditions with some sunny spells,...
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Putting the Fun in Fundamental Physics

Seven teams of young scientists took part in our ‘Physics is Fun’ competition with enthusiastic students presenting everything from model solar systems to magnetic levitation, homemade van der graaf generators to reflection telescopes. The passion for Science was clearly evident...
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National Careers Week

With aspiration being high on our agenda, we have fully embraced National Careers Week staging a host of events for pupils across the school.  There were visitors representing the fields of construction and engineering, health / social care as well as hair and beauty to...
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Looking Forward to University

A group of Year 7 students visited Newcastle University recently. Although it might seem like a long time before these pupils make a decision on their chosen career paths, it is never too early to start looking at options open to them in the future. Students had the chance to...
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Students Visit Software City

Year 9 and 10 students were welcomed to Sunderland Software Centre where they met and spoke to a range of digital employers, further education providers and other organisations that have progression opportunities in the ever-growing field of software and digital...
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Cricket Club Hits for Six

We saw the launch of the lunchtime Cricket Club where as part of our links with Sunderland and Durham Cricket Clubs we are working together to raise the profile of the sport. The club is a chance for students to try their hand at bowling, batting and fielding.  Watch...
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One Day More!

Due to adverse weather conditions and subsequent school closure last week, the Thursday and Friday performances of Les Misérables were postponed. We can now confirm that these shows have been rescheduled for Thursday 15th and Friday 16th March. Not only that, but demand for...
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A Lakeland Adventure

The winners of the Sir Tom Cowie Trust ‘Pupil Engagement & Achievement Challenge’ headed across to Ullswater in The Lake District to spend half term at the Outward Bound Centre as part of their prize.  Pupils had a fantastic time which was echoed by the centre manager.
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Encouraging Our Eco-Drive

Further to our recognition on BBC Radio Newcastle back in November, The Student Council hosted assemblies to again emphasise the important contribution we make to preserving and protecting the environment through our Eco-Drive initiative. We are proud to have acted as trail...
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Musical Theatre Goes to The Bridges

The cast of Les Mis stunned the general public recently with special live showcase performances in The Bridges Shopping Centre. Interest for the show has peaked with more people than ever snapping up tickets to watch our fantastically talented students. The last few tickets are...
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