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Award for Promoting International Learning

Congratulations to our Modern Foreign Languages department who have been awarded the British Council International School Award for promoting international learning across the school. The award is largely due to our excellent learning assistants who bring an international...
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Mindful Sessions

Every Wednesday and Friday we are joined by associates from Sunderland Mind Charity for special sessions relating to mental health. The sessions are open to all pupils on a lunch time and allow them to discuss issues and learn techniques on mindfulness and coping with the...
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Show Stopper Sophie: WINNER Music & Performing Arts Achiever 

Congratulations to  Sophie Bulmer (Year 7) who attended the Sunderland Your Achievers’ Awards 2018 as both a prize nominee and performer. Sophie gave a solo vocal performance to the audiance as part of Gentoo entertainment for being runner up in...
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A Good Word

Our Young Public Speakers went to The Grammar School at Leeds for the Semi Final of the English-Speaking Union’s National Public Speaking Competition. Our students were exceptional and only just missed out on a place in the final at Cambridge, coming a very...
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Anti Bullying Bags Top Prize

The Young Health Champions and Peer2Peer mentors have worked closely together since September 2017 to help to put a stop to bullying.  The Young Health Champions have presented several ‘anti-bullying’ assemblies in local primary schools and the Peer2Peer mentors have...
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Buddy Continues His Tour

Southmoor’s Year 10 Young Health Champions and ‘Buddy’ the anti-bullying bear continued their tour of local primary schools.  Most recently, they reached out to their peers at Hill View Infant Academy presenting an assembly about different forms of bullying, giving advice...
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A Thank You from the Cast & Crew of Les Misérables

The praise audiences have lavished upon the young performers speaks for itself: ‘What a fantastic performance this evening! I honestly had goosebumps throughout!’   ‘What a show! Well done to all performers and the amazing orchestra. Also thanks to the staff who...
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Age Appropriate Day

Students came away from their usual vertical house tutor groups and worked together in year groups to look at age-related personal development topics. This is the first of five sessions across the remainder of this academic year. A wide range of topics were covered including:...
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Peer2Peer Reach Peak Performance

After being given the opportunity to complete bespoke ‘mentoring and befriending training’ offered by the charity ‘Sunderland MIND’, 12 Southmoor Peer2Peer mentors have completed and achieved the award. This will benefit the mentors in helping them to improve the health and...
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Science Week Spectacular

In celebration of National Science Week, students have been enjoying special demonstrations hosted by the Science Department during lunchtimes. From chemically induced fireworks that went off with a bang to participating in the dissection of a squid, students embraced the...
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