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Aspiring Athletes in Competition

Congratulations to our budding athletes who took part in the recent Wearside Schools’ Athletics Competition. Students competed against other local schools across a range of track and field events with many performing exceptionally well against some tough competition. Special...
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Blog 100

We are celebrating our 100th edition of Principal’s Blog! Having launched back in October 2015, we are delighted that the blog has grown hugely in popularity, giving readers a fantastic insight into all the biggest news stories that take place in our vibrant Academy each...
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You Can Do It!

Ms. Saints recently spoke about the importance of having self-belief and faith in oneself to achieve. She pointed out that it is too easy to fall into the mindset that something is impossible or to not even try something you might not succeed in. Ms. Saints also demonstrated how...
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A Special Honour

Students who participated in the Year 10 Honours Programme were presented with certificates by Mr. Garett and Mr. Wright to congratulate them on being the first students to complete the initiative. As part of the programme, each student presented the personal project they have...
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The Thin Blue Line

As part of our closer ties with Northumbria Police we invited representatives from the force to present an assembly to Year 8.  Students were given a firm warning on the growing dangers of drugs in our community as well as information on anti-social behaviour, what it is and...
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Peer2Peer Promote Mental Health

Well done to Peer2Peer mentors who not only delivered assemblies promoting Mental Health Awareness Week to all House Groups but also hosted a special workshop with teaching staff.  The aim was to help staff better understand the mental health issues young people face, how to...
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Thinking First Aid

Sunderland Community Action Group hosted a day long series of lessons on first aid training. The lesson involved instructing students on what to do in an emergency, showing them how to provide CPR if needed and equip them with other potentially lifesaving skills.
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Cricketing Congratulations

Year 7 & 8 Cricket teams took part in the ‘Chance to Compete’ Cricket Festival competing against five local schools and finished as winners of the morning mini-league.  This took them into the semi-final where special mention must go to Roman Bozyk who...
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The Nest Generation

Earlier in the term the Science department began incubation on a selection of chicken eggs for Year 7 pupils to study as part of exploring life cycles, survival skills and adaptions of living organisms. We were happy to welcome some fluffy new arrivals as the chicks...
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Police Top Brass Visit Southmoor

Southmoor is investing time and resources in engaging pupils to become more aware of risks to mental and physical health, so they develop the skills to lead happy and fulfilled lives. We were delighted to welcome Superintendent Steven Heatley from Northumbria Police. His visit to...
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