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Heartstone Project Prowess

Pupils from Year 7 went along to Sunderland University with Miss Moody to present their work as part of ‘The Heartstone Project’.  The pupils have spent time during lunch and after school creating their finished pieces of work which included interviewing local police and...
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Primary Sports Support

Year 9 pupils were asked to take part in Hill View Junior School World Cup Day. Students helped out with refereeing as well as staging cheerleading practice for their primary peers. The morning saw Year 5 and 6 battle through games with some impressive performances whilst in the...
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The Low Down on Drugs

We continued our important partnership with Hall & Angus to develop educational resources focused upon the risks of substance abuse.  We held our second pupil focus group and participants had some fantastic ideas to help the scheme get underway.
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Cricket Crazy

Southmoor organised and ran the local primary cricket festival at Ashbrooke Cricket Club. Pupils organised group stages with one team from each group progressing on to the knock out stages. The festival was a complete success with over 150 primary school children taking part. Our...
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School Uniform Pop-Up Shop

We will once again be operating a uniform pop-up shop over the school holidays for parents who wish to come in to school to order uniform in time for our next academic year. Our uniform supplier, Elizabeth’s Embroidery, will be in school to take your orders and size school...
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Goodbye Year 11

We said goodbye to Year 11 having released them from all but their remaining exam timetables. Students have worked incredibly hard in revision sessions over the last few terms and will hopefully reap the rewards of their efforts in August! They have been a fantastic year group...
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Students Snap Up Photography Workshop

A group of A level Photography students visited the Photography Department at Sunderland University for a studio-based workshop and tour of the facilities for the degree course. They were taught how to read lighting in a photograph and how to apply the techniques to their own...
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Peer Positivity

We saw the re-launch of our Sixth Form Lesson Support Scheme which involves Year 12 students working to support their younger peers in lessons that suit their subject choices. This may include helping pupils with weaker literacy skills, leading a...
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Green Fingered Students Pitch In

Since February students have been working alongside members of Sunderland Community Action Group to support the renovation of the garden at United Roker Reform Church. Our young people have worked alongside members of the local community to learn new gardening and woodwork skills...
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Recycling Researchers Visit Southmoor

We welcomed staff and pupils from Whitburn Church of England Academy who were eager to learn more about our ground-breaking recycling initiatives. Our visitors spent time with our Student Council to discuss and share how we have transformed the use of packaging within the Academy...
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