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GCSE Results Day 2022

GCSE Success at Southmoor Academy Last week we saw fantastic success at A Level, and today we were delighted to celebrate an impressive set of results for our GCSE students. We could not be more proud of our ‘Class of 2022’ students, who had much to celebrate when...
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GCSE Results Day Information

GSCE Results Day is this Thursday 25th September. Southmoor students may collect their results from 10am in the Sixth Form. (Southmoor Academy students can register for The Sixth Form at Southmoor once they have collected their results – stands will be located directly behind the...
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Academy Open Evening 2022

Our 2022 Academy Open Evening is just a few weeks away! If you’re the parent of a child who is now starting their final year of primary school and you’re looking towards the next step in their education then don’t miss out on the Southmoor Academy Open Evening...
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Back to School Arrangements

We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. We look forward to welcoming students back to school for a staggered start on Wednesday 7th September. Students should arrive five minutes before their start time, at the location shown below: Small Quad:  8.30am Yr 7 9.00am Yr 8...
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Year 8 Discuss Animal Rights

Year 8 students were visited by representatives from animal right’s group ‘Animal Aid’. Animal Aid is one of the UK’s largest animal rights groups. It is also one of the longest established in the world, having been founded in 1977 with an ultimat...
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Visiting Van-Tec

A Group of Year 10 Engineering students were in invited to Vantec, in Washington. Vantec is a leading company of Auto Parts Logistics, which provides high quality Supply Chain Solutions globally. They have operated for over 60 years. Students learnt about the history of the...
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Southmoor Scholars Take on Cambridge!

Students on the Southmoor Scholars programme attended a Cambridge residential and enjoyed exploring one of the best universities in the world. On day one students attended taster lectures, from arctic exploration to AI. They also met admissions tutors who provided useful tips...
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The Pandemic Project Celebration

Year 8 students who took part in the ‘Pandemics Through Time’ project celebrated their achievements at Palace Green Library, Durham. Students delivered a presentation to their families and guests about the archive they created, and their art pieces were exhibited at...
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RedSky Competition Winners

As part of our Year 10 Work Experience week recently, students who stayed in school were delighted to be able to work with Sergio Petrucci from our charity partner Red Sky Foundation. Sergio presented to the Year 10 students about the work of the charity, what they do and the...
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Southmoor Cadets Scout Out DofE Success

Cadets from Southmoor Academy Combined Cadet Force (CCF) are flying high after completing their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze qualifying expedition. The expedition, which took place in Northumberland, put cadets to the test with map reading, cooking, communication and teamwork...
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