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Shakespeare in the City

Pupils currently studying Shakespeare’s Macbeth headed to Tyneside Theatre Royal to see literature come to life in The National Theatre’s production of the play.
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Year 9 Check Out University

A group of Year 9 students visited Newcastle University for a flavour of life on campus and the types of subjects they could be studying.  It’s never too early to start looking into options for the future!
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Reading into Gender

Oxford University hosted a session for our Scholar’s Programme on the concept of ‘Intersectionality’ through the lens of literature which explored gender and sexuality and how factors such as race or religion can intersect in altering a person’s experience of...
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Getting into Graphics

Year 11 Graphic Communications students welcomed a graphics lecturer from The Northern School of Art to discuss the industry and also offer advice and ideas on their projects.
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Engineering Excellence

Thanks to the funding generously donated from the Reece Foundation, sixth form Engineering students were able to take part in a practical lesson involving equipment commonly used within the field of electrical engineering.
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Skiing Success on the Slopes

We are proud to support Year 7 student Hugo Haggerty as he prepares for training in Austria with the prestigious skiing trainers ‘Team Evolution’.  Hugo has been hitting the slopes since the age of six and recently took part in the U12 English Championships in...
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100 Years to Remember

Commemorations took place in the lead up to Remembrance Day with esteemed guests including the Mayor of Sunderland Councillor Lynda Scanlan, Julie Elliott MP, Sunderland University Chaplain Reverend Chris Howson, Superintendent Barrie Joisce of Northumbria Police, Zaf Iqbal of...
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Poignant Last Post

Year 12 student Matthew Snaith performed the ‘Last Post’ for pupils at Hylton Castle Primary School as part of their Remembrance assemblies.  Miss Wood, Deputy Head, said: ‘Matthew was calm and professional despite playing in front of...
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Spectacular Firework Science

STEM Club took students on a volatile journey behind the science of fireworks.  Club members watched explosive experiments involving methane bubbles before testing out the chemistry behind sparklers.
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Orchestra Auditions Sound Out

Year 7 students taking part in the School Orchestra Project were given the opportunity to audition for free one-to-one music tuition courtesy of The Sir Tom Cowie Charitable Trust.  Students performed in the presence of a panel who will now decide the lucky recipients of the...
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