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Celebrating Science

In celebration of National Science Week students have been enjoying special demonstrations hosted by the Science department.  From fun with physics to crazy chemistry, students embraced the wonders of Scientific discovery.
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Vorsprung Durch Technik

Year 11 were joined by representatives from Wearside Audi including Richard Hyde who is Head of Business. Richard spoke about the excellent apprenticeship and career path opportunities the company have as well as the importance of good results as a basis to further training with...
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Geography Club Shake Things Up

Geography Club students got hands on with seismology equipment brought in by special guest experts.  They got the chance to see how the equipment works, look at data from national seismographs as well as test what they have learned in the interesting field of Earth Sciences.
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Young Health Champions are Alcohol Aware

As part of our drive to raise awareness both our veteran and newly-recruited Young Health Champions delivered a presentation to pupils on the dangers of under-age drinking and how it can lead to alcoholism, poor mental health and life-threatening illnesses.
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A Game of Two Halves

Year 7 and Sixth Form football teams were in action. Year 7 took on Venerable Bede securing a 4-2 victory with goals from Gabriel Roxby, He’nok Yembe & Harry Clay. Meanwhile, on the lower field, the Sixth Form team faced Saint Leonards’ and held their own...
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Department of Education Visit

Jonathan Slater, Permanent Secretary for Education and other senior DfE colleagues visited Southmoor, recognising our work in raising aspirations and securing high standards.
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Newcastle ACE Day

The Southmoor Scholars had a taste of university life when they attended the Newcastle ACE Day. They took part in activities including budgeting, university Pictionary and managing their timetable, followed by a campus tour around the site.
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Red All Over for Comic Relief

We embraced BBC Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day where our theme was ‘wear something red’. Pupils rose to the challenge to raise the most money and win points for their House Groups.
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Anti Bullying Team Earn Acolades

As well as hosting assemblies, we are delighted with the news that our Anti-Bullying Team have achieved first place in the category of the most active Sunderland secondary school, as part of a city-wide competition in relation to anti-bullying. The team will be heading to the...
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Going Gold for Attendance

Congratulations to the pupils who have received their Gold attendance badges for attending over the school target of 97% so far this year. Attendance is very strongly linked to academic success and by being in school, every day, ready to learn, students set themselves up for...
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