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Sweet Success for SCAG

SCAG have been getting culinary inclined students ready for Easter by baking cookies in enrichment time. Don’t forget, SCAG will be offering activities such as this over the Easter break. See members of the team in the Youth Hub for more details.
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Mathematical Masterclass

A group of Year 10 students attended The Advanced Mathematic Support Programme ‘Math Feast’ competition at Teeside University which is aimed at pupils looking to study A Level Maths.  There were a variety of maths challenges including relays, problems solving and...
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Year 11 Footballers Secure the Silverware

Congratulations to Year 11 footballers and their coaches Mr Henderson, Mr Carney and Miss Summerside on winning the Sunderland Schools’ Cup Final against Monkwearmouth. The final score was 4-3 with a hat trick from Andrea Galdi.  Captain honours went to James...
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Taking the Business Challenge

  Year 10 students visited Accenture, a huge global business with offices in North Tyneside, to take part in a business challenge where they were given a scenario to solve a problem for a retailer then presented their solutions. We hope this will be the first of many future...
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Shrub Science

Our Science Department have been getting green-fingered with Year 7 and 8 students as they learned about the biology and ecology of trees.  Students were given the chance to plant saplings in our school garden in order to track their growth and record the changes throughout...
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Why Care?

Students were entertained by the Gibber Theatre Company as they performed “Why Care?”, a production designed to show why the NHS is a fast-growing organisation and to promote the exciting variety of careers the NHS has to offer.
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Enjoy your Easter with SCAG

Sunderland Community Action Group are once again providing free holiday provision over Easter in our Youth Hub.  Students can join the SCAG team from 12.00-3.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday of each week for fun activities and a free lunch. Interested pupils should speak with...
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University Challenge for Year 7

As part of our Careers Strategy to widen aspirations, Year 7 pupils are being given the opportunity to visit a local university this year. After a recent visit to Newcastle, Sunderland University hosted a group of 28 students for a day of activities including a tour of the...
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Recognition for our Anti Bullying Team

Congratulations to our wonderful Anti-Bullying Team who received the award for ‘Most Active Sunderland Secondary School’, in recognition of their hard work in preventing bullying at Southmoor. The team were presented with the award by the Right Worshipful Mayor of the City of...
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Inspiration & Aspiration

Southmoor’s Aspirations Programme was delivered at Fulwell Primary School to encourage students to think about their future options.  Year 4 students focused around the concept of ‘curiosity’, Year 5 explored caring careers and Year 6 looked at the...
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