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University Explorers

Students from Year 7 visited Northumbria University to experience a range of different activities based around higher learning subjects.  They took a tour of campus facilities and spoke to students about life at university.
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Putting Some Thought into Mental Health Awareness

To mark Mental Health Awareness week, Sunderland Mind alongside our Peer2Peer mentors invited students to a special workshop where they could discover how to be mindful, where to go if they need help and the best practices for dealing with their emotions.
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Peer2Peer Prodigies

Congratulations to our latest group of Peer2Peer mentors who completed their training with mental health charity, Sunderland Min. Our expanding team of mentors is available to speak to their peers and offer friendly advice and guidance on any problems our young people may face.
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Year 9 Get to Work

We launched our work experience programme to Year 9 pupils who will be following it into Year 10. This year’s initiative has been a massive success and we intend to build upon it over the next year. To kick things off, The National Careers Service hosted assemblies and a panel of...
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A Listening Ear is Available

As part of their Wellbeing Access Support Project, Sunderland Mind are offering confidential chats for students who feel the need to talk to someone. Representatives will be available in the Reading Suite every Thursday from 11:15am to 12:15pm to listen and support pupils. Anyone...
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Think Before You Follow

We were once again joined by Mark Lloyd who delivered assemblies to Year 8 about the importance of not giving in to peer pressure both in school and online.  He spoke about how easy it is to be caught up in online trends that might encourage harmful behaviour but also why...
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Insight Returns

We welcomed Year 5 pupils from Barnes Junior School for our Insight Raising Aspirations Day. Our visitors sampled advanced topics and learned more about themselves, including what animal most represents their personality! Thank you to the visiting staff and students from Barnes,...
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Year 11 Looking good

The annual Year 11 group photograph to celebrate moving toward the end of Key Stage 4 took place. With the help of some glorious sunshine, we managed to capture some great shots of students looking smart together as a year group for the last time. Photographs will be available to...
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Social Mobility in the Spotlight

Our very own Mr. Wright was welcomed into the halls of power as he attended a meeting of the Social Mobility Commission (of which he is a member) as they delivered their first report to the Government on the subject of social mobility across the country. You can find out more...
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Foreign Language Lovers at Newcastle University

MFL students visited Newcastle University for a taste of studying Languages at a higher level. After a tour of the campus and amazing library, students had a taster session in Dutch and tested each other on their pronunciation of this new language.
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