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Next Door Nature

During assemblies on Thursday and Friday this week, we were delighted to welcome Tom Parkin from Durham Wildlife Trust to deliver some key messages about a project that he is doing in the local area called ‘Nextdoor Nature’. Tom discussed with students the different types of...
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  Well done to Southmoor Students Joe Willis (Year 11), William Young (Year 9) and Carter McQue (Year 9) who were in action recently for the Sunderland Harriers athletics team. These young stars are really making their mark with Joe clocking in a personal best in the U17...
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Scientific Thinkers

Last Friday, 10A1 and 10B1 completed the National Scientific Thinking Challenge. The 50-minute challenge aims to test Year 10 students’ scientific reasoning and problem-solving skills. We are extremely excited for our results to come back – stay tuned to find out how...
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Raising & Giving Winner

Well done to Joseph Tipling, who was the winner of the raffle draw that took place on our ‘Southmoor’s Got Talent’ evening as part of Raising and Giving Week. Joseph took home a bespoke confectionary hamper kindly put together and donated by a Southmoor parent....
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Building Resilience with Sunderland University

On Thursday, as part of our ongoing partnership with Sunderland University, we welcomed two representatives from the University to deliver another day of workshops to our Year 9 students, following the last workshop about decision making. These workshops focussed on the...
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Dance City Entertainment

Year 7 students had a great opportunity for Holly the Dance City teacher to come in to school and deliver dance sessions throughout the last half term. The following students, Lilly – Mae Lines-Juke, Lily Richardson, Hajera Ahmed, Maisie Hedley, Aurelia Emmerson, Poppy...
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High Flying Cadets

Eleven cadets from Southmoor Academy CCF have just returned from another fantastic visit to RAF Leeming for Air Experience Flying. Air Experience Flying, which is available to all RAF Air Cadets, allows cadets to take control of a Grob Tutor aircraft, learn about principles of...
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Southmoor at the Chateau

At the start of the Easter holidays, 44 students in Years 9 to 13 and 5 staff set off for a 5-day trip to France. Following a long and tiring, slightly extended journey, the group arrived on Friday at their destination – Château Beaumont, an education and activity centre in...
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Raising & Giving Week

This week we held our annual Raising and Giving Week. All of the money raised this week is being donated to support the amazing work of local charity Red Sky Foundation. Everyday, tutor groups held fundraising stalls to raise money at breaktime, including the usual throwing wet...
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Hoodie Hand Out

Our first release of the much anticipated Year 11 Leavers hoodies was on Friday. Pupils who have shown the best attendance, met all the criteria for being in revision classes and had the best evidence for independent revision received their hoodies as part of our revision reward...
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