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Athletes in Action

Year 7 and 8 athletes competed in the Sunderland Schools’ Athletics Competition where they demonstrated exceptional grit, determination and commitment both in individual and team events.  Several students won their heats and various field events. Well done Team Southmoor! 
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Half Term Fun in France

Over half term pupils took part in a week of fun in France as part of our Autumn Adventures. The trip started with arrival at our chateau in Normandy before pupils went on to sample local culture and cuisine in Honfleur, take in the magnificent cathedral at Bayeux and...
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Autumn Activities

Meanwhile, on the domestic side of our Autumn Adventures, pupils enjoyed a host of exciting activities held on-site with the Sunderland Community Action Group. Students tried their hand at cookery, competed in sports, tried out some circus skills and got creative in a range of...
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Southmoor Scholars Consider Chemistry

The Scholars programme was launched with the workshop ‘Spectroscopy in a Suitcase’ run by Newcastle University’s Chemistry Department. Students learned about the basics of Spectroscopy, which looks at the interaction between matter and radiation, and had the...
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Celebrating Science

Eight Year 7 students gave up part of their half-term holiday to demonstrate scientific principles to the general public. This event took part over three days, and was organised by Durham University Outreach department on the Palace Green next to Durham Cathedral. Our students...
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Restart a Heart Day 2019

In recognition of national ‘Restart a Heart Day’, Year 7 took part in a lesson in basic First Aid & CPR with volunteers from the North East Ambulance Service. Students learned valuable lifesaving skills that they can put into practice in an emergency situation.
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New Scholars are Set

Our scholars programme is all set to return after half term with a record number of 45 students from Southmoor, Sandhill View and, for the first time, Castle View Academy joining us at The Sixth Form for a series of unique lectures from fascinating guests that will...
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Join the Club!

Our enrichment programme is now in full swing. There are lots of things to see and take part in across a range of subjects and we recommend popping in to one of our clubs to have a go and take part. Everyone is welcome!
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Early Morning Readers Return

Our Early Morning Readers initiative has once again returned to the Reading Suite, with select students enjoying group reading sessions, peer support and bespoke assistance from our staff to help them with their literacy skills and also hopefully inspire in them a life-long love...
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Southmoor wins ‘School/College of the Year’

We are thrilled to announce that at a dazzling awards ceremony in London, Southmoor won the ‘School/College of the Year’ at the UK Social Mobility Awards 2019!  This is a national award where we faced some very strong competition from schools...
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