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Tinspirational Total

Once again Southmoor staff and pupils have dug deep into their kitchen cupboards to collect tins to support the homeless in the local area this Christmas. We are delighted to have once again smashed last year’s ambitious target of collecting 3000 tins with an amazing total...
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Seasonal Surveying

Year 11 Geographers braved the cold on a trip to Seaham to collect data for their GCSE exams. They analysed the effectiveness of the coastal defences as well as looking at how regeneration has improved the local area.
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A Quizmas Special

As has become a tradition, on the last day of Autumn Term, our Student Council hosted a special Christmas Quiz.  Tutor groups rose to the challenge and got into the festive spirit in the hopes of being crowned winners for this year.   Congratulations to the winning form...
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Sharing ideas Half a World Away

We welcomed 25 visiting Careers Leaders and teachers from secondary schools in Hong Kong.  The group spent 5 days in the UK looking at examples of outstanding careers guidance provision to take inspiration back to their own schools nearly 8000 miles away. The visitors heard...
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Polling Our Pupils

Southmoor has been gripped by election fever. To mirror constituencies across the country, pupils were given the chance to take part in democracy and cast their own vote after assessing the main political party’s manifestos. The results were as follows…
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Tins Start to Roll In

We once again opened up our collection point for donations as part of our Tin Appeal 2019. Our tally is growing steadily as eager students hauled over bag loads of tins from their form classes. Our total so far is 1329 tins towards our target of 3000. The final deadline for...
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Jolly Jumpers on for Charity

Pupils and staff donned their festive jumpers and headgear for ‘National Christmas Jumper Day’ in support of Save the Children. Well done to everyone who pulled on their woollies and got into the Christmas spirit to raise money for this worthy cause.
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Champions in the Making

As our current Young Health Champions delivered their assembly, our newest recruits for the cause of teen health have been in training with the aim to bolster the ranks of the YHC initiative and help spread the message of healthy lifestyle choices amongst peers.  
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Long Distance Legends

Congratulations to Southmoor’s Cross Country Team who competed in the Sunderland Championships. There were some excellent individual results: Arron Franklin and Jacob Waterston finished first and second in the Year 7 boys’ race, Lucy...
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Carol of the Bells

Congratulations to our talented Performing Arts students who stunned audiences at the Salvation Army’s Christmas Concert. They performed ‘Carol of the Bells’ and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ along with a sneak preview from our upcoming musical ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Well done to...
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