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Sunderland Community Action Group Return

We were delighted to welcome back Sunderland Community Action Group this week to host after school activities once again. Though the activities we can offer are limited and restricted to year groups because of social distancing measures, we are very pleased to have SCAG...
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National Skills Day Draws Near

Back in May, many students and staff featured in the first ever National Skills Day.  Wednesday 7th October is the next National Skills Day, this time sponsored by Skills Builder, who we are working with to roll out a programme of essential employability skills within...
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Welcome Back!

It’s wonderful to finally get to see our students again. Though times may be difficult we are delighted to once again be providing the crucial classroom learning we have been missing over the course of this pandemic. We have fully risk assessed our school and provided the best...
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Hello Year 7

Though this may be a very unusual year so far, we are very happy to welcome out latest cohort of Year 7 students into Southmoor Academy. We have taken particular care to introduce our new students into life at secondary school since they did not get the chance to take part in our...
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Wellbeing Weekends

Over lockdown we had such success with our ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ we would like to continue the process of learning more about what our students get up to outside of school to support their wellbeing. This could be anything from spending time with family, calming walks in nature,...
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Virtual Nurse Drop-Ins

Though our face-to-face school nurse drop-in sessions are currently suspended due to the ongoing pandemic, we are happy to offer students the ability to use a virtual drop-in system for all of their health and wellbeing enquiries. Students are free to contact local health...
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Face Masks at Southmoor

From tomorrow Wednesday 9th September face masks in corridors and communal areas will become COMPULSORY.  All students must bring a face mask to school with them as part of their essential equipment.  If your child has a medical condition that means they cannot wear a...
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Academy Virtual Open Evening 2020

Academy Virtual Open Evening 2020 Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and the necessary social distancing measures we’ve put in place, we unfortunately cannot host Year 6 pupils and their parents at our much talked about, and looked forward to, academy open evening this year....
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GCSE Results Day 2020

More Socially Distanced GCSE Success at Southmoor Academy Following last week’s A Level success, we were delighted to once again celebrate a great set of results for our GCSE students today. 11 students achieved an extraordinary total of at least eight GCSEs each, all at Grades 7...
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