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Book Buzz Delivers

Year 7 and 8 pupils finally got their hands on the free books they ordered as part of the ‘Book Buzz’ programme. For pupils from every year group wishing to expand their libraries, we have put together an age-appropriate book list for years 7-9, with dozens of interesting titles,...
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Southmoor Scholars Study the Silver Screen

The Scholars met Dr Adam Guy from Oxford University. The lecture looked at the links between literature and cinema, specifically how some literature takes its inspiration from cinema.  Students learned about the early history of filmmaking and the Lumiere brothers, analysed...
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A Virtual Christmas Carol Creation

Staff and students have began their collaboration across year groups and bubbles to create our special ‘virtual’ performance of Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. Despite the difficulties of working in separate bubbles students have been as enthusiastic as ever to produce...
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Listening Ear Open

Make Your Mark is the annual vote held by the UK Youth Parliament to find out the issues considered to be most important for young people. This year the vote is being held virtually and the UK Youth Parliament are encouraging as many young people as possible to take part. To...
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In Remembrance

All year groups took part in Remembrance Day commemorations this week. Though we could not hold our usual tribute assemblies, students took time to reflect on why we mark Remembrance Day and observed a two-minute silence. Some of our junior representatives of the armed forces and...
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Art Competition Winners

Over half term we challenged our students to produce a piece of artwork inspired by a recent event that they have seen in the news. We received some fantastic entries and would like to thank and congratulate everyone that entered for taking the time to create something. Our...
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Southmoor Scholars Return!

We welcomed this year’s cohort of Southmoor Scholars to their first workshop of 2020! Students thought about their personal interests and future aspirations and were introduced to the lecture series taking place over the next few months.  We also had guest speaker from...
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Anti Bullying 2020: Unite Against Bullying

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 from 16th – 20th November is: United Against Bullying.  Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person, bullying has a significant impact on a child’s life.  This year, more than ever, we’ve witnessed the positive...
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Southmoor House Redevelopment Continues

Work continues apace at the brand-new wing of The Sixth Form. This historic Southmoor House is being transformed into a cutting-edge venue for students to enjoy. Contractors have now finished most of the rewiring and structural work and have moved to...
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Neon Awards Winners 2020

We are delighted to announce yet another accolade for Southmoor. Over the half-term break The Sixth Form was awarded The 2020 National Education Opportunities Network (NEON) Award for Best Access School or College Award. The NEON...
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