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A Badge Bonanza

With the return of pupils to school we were delighted to pick-up our ‘A2L’ programme that saw students in Year 7-9 working towards earning a ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ badge for sustained excellent attitudes to learning and good attendance. Pupils were delighted to finally get their...
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Welcome Back!

We saw the full return of students to school with teaching moving from mostly on screen to in the classroom. Over lockdown our students have worked superbly, accessing their online lessons every week to help keep their learning on track. Now most pupils are back with us we are...
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Year 11 On Track

Year 11 students were amongst the first pupils to return to school. We started them off by welcoming them back with a series of assemblies. Miss Garner spoke to them about the challenges they face in their remaining time in school as well as how the teacher accessed grading for...
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Feel Good Friday

Thank you to everyone that took part in the last ‘Feel Good Friday’ of lockdown. It was fantastic seeing our students using their wellbeing time to get away from the computer screen and go outside to try sports, have a go at some baking and even help out their parents with some...
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Spring Sports at Southmoor

With the help of our colleagues from Sunderland Community Action Group, we are launching our spring provision of after-school sports activities for students. Pupils will be able to join in with football, rugby, netball, hockey and even boxing! Please see the time table for...
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  SCHOOL PHASED RETURN – UPDATED 05/03/21   Week Commencing Monday 11th January – Friday 12th February Vulnerable children and children of critical workers ONLY.   Week Commencing Monday 15th February – Friday 19th February Half Term. School is...
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Wellbeing Wednesday Returns

After the success of ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ during the previous lockdown, we decided to revive this on Wednesday by again encouraging students to spend an afternoon away from their computer screens and to try anything from spending time with family, playing with pets, going for a...
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Southmoor in the News (Again)

We have once again featured on BBC’s Look North programme. This time our staff and students shared their options on this week’s announcement that A-Level and GCSEs will be graded entirely by teachers after the examinations were cancelled earlier this year in response to the...
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A Book Bonanza

Don’t forget World Book Day is Thursday 4th March and we’re looking to have as much student participation as possible by having you dress as your favourite literary character for the day! Make sure to submit your costumes to info@southmoormat.co.uk.   In addition to this you...
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COVID Champions

Would you like to know more about Covid-19 and help share public health messages?    Sunderland City Council have launched the ‘Covid Champions’ initiative. The aim is to recruit local young people aged 13 to 17 who live, work or study in Sunderland to become Covid...
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