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Southmoor Scholars Dig into their Projects

The scholars perfected their reading and research skills and learned to take effective notes. They started to create their own research documents using academic sources from Google Scholar and Durham University Library to build the basis of their final year projects.
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Careers in Geography

We continue with our careers weeks taking place throughout the year and we recently saw our Careers Week in Geography. All of our Careers Weeks this year are linked to the Skills Builder Framework and Geography chose to focus on PROBLEM SOLVING. During the lesson, students were...
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Year 9 joined the online virtual #GBfuturestars event from Global Bridge. During the event, students had the opportunity to listen to key note speeches from inspirational speakers such as TV presenter Steph McGovern. They were also able to find out about careers pathways in...
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Year 9 Cross the Global Bridge

Year 9 will be spending time on Wednesday 21st April dedicated to the #GBFutureStars online careers event hosted by our colleagues at Global Bridge. The event features keynote speakers, such as Steph McGovern, Vicky Gosling OBE and Action Jackson. Lots of employers and...
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A Ground Breaking Lesson

In Geography Year 7 students have been learning about natural hazards in California and today used spaghetti and marshmallows to create earthquake proof buildings. They had to be 30cm high and be able to withstand an earthquake (teacher shaking the desk). The students engaged...
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Clubs & Fixtures

Extra Curricular Clubs Our extra-curricular clubs programme has recommenced this week with lots of fantastic effort and commitment from our students. We have had Boxing, Hockey, Netball, Fitness and Football so far, with Cricket training beginning very soon!  If you are...
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Cricketers Wanted!

As we move into the Summer Term we will be recruiting pupils for our Southmoor Cricket Teams! We will have teams for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and also U18, and will be looking to organise games against other schools in the coming months.  We will be working on cricket in PE lessons...
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Southmoor Scholars Back in Action

Our Scholars have now moved onto the next phase of the programme where they design their own academic project – either a 1500-word essay or an artefact. We have some fantastic ideas forming already, such as: ‘The development of video games’, ‘The influence of social media...
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Revision Resources at the Ready

Year 10 students collected their personalised revision resources from their subject tutors last week. Pupils were delighted to receive their revision workbooks, scientific calculators, geometry sets and individually tailored resources to help them as they pick up their journey...
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Spring into Sports

Last week we saw the return of our after school enrichment activities. With a few additional safety measures in place in our fight against Covid, students from all year groups had the chance to take part in a roster of sporting activities throughout the week. This included not...
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