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Year 7 & 8 Football Squads Back in Action

Year 7 and 8 Boys football teams returned to action with games against our local rivals St Aidans. All squad members gave it their all and demonstrated great team work and dedication. Well done on to the year 7 team for winning 10-1 and commiserations to the year 8s on their 7-0...
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Swim Club Returns for Year 7

 We are delighted to announce the return of after school swim club for our Year 7 students over our enrichment period after school on Mondays. This club will launch fully on Monday, though students should register their interest with Mrs Roddam first. More information...
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So Long, Farewell

On Thursday, we said goodbye to our latest Year 11 cohort. Students have worked incredibly hard over the last few terms and will hopefully reap the rewards of their efforts in August! Our class of 2021 enjoyed a trip down memory lane in assembly before the traditional ‘guard...
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Maths Masterminds

In April selected students in Years 7 and 8 took part in the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge 2021 where they were challenged to answer problem solving and reasoning questions on various mathematical topics. Students have received their certificates for the challenge last week. We had...
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Stem Club Gets Alchemical

Last week STEM Club looked at crystallization and had a go at making their very own copper sulphate crystals! They carefully mixed the sulphuric acid and copper oxide powder together and then filtered the mixture. They then got an opportunity to dust off the Bunsen burners and...
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STEM Club Extracts the Fun from Science

STEM Club has started, giving Year 8 pupils a chance to carry out some fun experiments and watch some exciting demonstrations. They had a first hand view of “screaming jelly babies” to illustrate the rapid oxidation of sugar before getting to work at extracting the...
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Sweet and Shaky Structures

Year 7 pupils in the Pupil Support Centre have been learning about how buildings are made to withstand earthquakes. Their challenge was to build a structure that could sustain an attack. As you can see they produced a very impressive structure and had lots of fun in the process....
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Fresh Air and Green Space

We were delighted to reopen our school playing fields for lunchtime use. We hope that the extra space and fresh air will enhance student enjoyment as well as physical and mental wellbeing. Social distancing between year groups is still being observed whilst on the field.
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Cutting County Lines

Northumbria Police have produced this leaflet on the subject of ‘County Lines’. County Lines is where illegal drugs are transported from one area to another, often across police and local authority boundaries (although not exclusively), usually by...
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This Week in Sport

Year 7 Boys Make Their Debut We were delighted to have been able to play our first competitive fixture of the season, with the Year 7 boys football team taking on Castle View in an enthralling encounter on a wet and wild afternoon at Southmoor! The game was full of action and...
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