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Sunderland School Athletics

Southmoor’s Year 7 and 8 Sports Hall Athletics teams competed in the Sunderland School’s competition at Oxclose Academy. With 8 different schools being represented, it was a very high quality field of competition. Our athletes competed in a range of disciplines, from sprints, to...
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Autumn Activities in Action

Over half term we hosted a selection of activities for students to enjoy as part of our Autumn Activities. Pupils got the chance to compete in various multi-sports such as dodgeball, football, table tennis archery and cheerleading. There...
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UK Parliament Week

To mark the annual UK Parliament Week, we were delighted to welcome into school Julie Elliott MP, the Member of Parliament for Sunderland Central. Julie met with our Student Council and selected other students where she answered questions about her role as a politician, how she...
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Scholars Visit Durham University

This year’s cohort of Southmoor and Sandhill Scholars attended their first exclusive trip of the year, hosted by St Chad’s College at Durham University. Students visited the college and experienced the facilities that students use (which included sampling their...
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Student Council Gives Great Feedback

Our full-strength Student Council swung back into action by joining staff members for a meeting in Southmoor House. Council members spoke with our kitchen staff about ways to improve our catering offer for lunchtimes. Our council members made many interesting...
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Drop In to See Us!

We hear some of you were unable to attend our Sixth Form Open Evening on Monday 27th September. Our next event is Monday 17th January 2022 but if you don’t want to wait that long – Sixth Form is open for a drop in on Tuesday 16th November between 4:30 & 6:00pm.  You...
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Gaining Yet More Insight

Our Insight programme wrapped up with visits from students from Grangetown Primary School, Valley Road Academy and Hill View Junior Academy. Pupils had the chance to explore themselves as well as make discoveries with new subjects and learn all about how who they...
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SMSC Theme of the Week

In assembly and form time, students discovered more about the importance of Mental Health leading up to World Mental Health Day on Sunday 10 October. In assembly, Mrs Bagshaw discussed the importance of ‘Ask Twice’. Many people experience a mental health problem, so if someone...
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Volatile Vulcanism

In after school geography club our pupils got to see their finished model volcanoes in action! There was such a massive variety of models on display with all sorts of clever creativity from each group. This included models that had cut-away sections and even edible...
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Breathing Life into Science

Year 8 got a chance to see Biology brought to life. Students had the chance to construct their own model lungs out of cups, straws, balloons, paper and plenty of sticky tape! Certain groups even went above and beyond to demonstrate how...
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