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Destination Success

‘Enact’ delivered their popular ‘Destination Success’ performance to Year 9 students. Taking on the role of many different characters, the actors explored possible post-16 and post-18 pathways, including doing an apprenticeship, going to sixth form and...
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Southmoor Scholars

Dr Amy Pearson visited from Sunderland University and spoke to the scholars about her research specialism – Neurodiversity. Students learned about different variations in the human brain, and how these manifests themselves in different conditions, including Autism, ADHD and...
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Advent of Kindness

On the run up to Christmas we are encouraging our students to share a little extra festive kindness with their peers, teachers, friends and family. By practicing simple acts of kindness, we can not only spread cheer amongst those around us but also...
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Southmoor Alumni Engineering Global Platforms

We were delighted to welcome back Southmoor alumni, Chris Nutman. Chris shared his experiences of being a Design Engineer and the route he took since leaving Southmoor. Years 9-13 had the chance to listen and pose questions to Chris about his company and product...
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Matty Moore Tai Kwon Do Star

All of Year 7 had the opportunity to hear and see award-winning Tae Kwon Do routines from Matty Moore, an inspirational young man who has overcome his struggles to show that you can achieve great things whilst dealing with a disability. Matty has struggled all of his life with...
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Tin Appeal 2021

Our SMSC Theme of the Week has been the launch of our big Tin Appeal for 2021. Every year, our Tin Appeal supports local charities who provide meals for the homeless over the Christmas period. We always collect a record number of tins and this year we are aiming for over 3500...
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Excitement for Bugsy Builds

Our young performers are getting into the swing of their roles as they continue to prepare for our upcoming school performance of ‘Bugsy Malone’ early next year. All the cast and crew are working extremely hard in drama club to make the return to stage of our...
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Crime Solving Southmoor Scholars

The Southmoor Scholars experienced their first lecture by Peter Beveridge, of Teeside University, who worked with the students to re-enact a crime scene investigation and challenge their thinking throughout the process. Students had to imagine the roles of victims,...
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Academy Christmas Card Competition 2021

Well done to: Phoebe Newton, who won our art competition to create this year’s official academy Christmas card. Phoebe impressed the judges with her creative, fun and festive design which earned her the top prize of an Amazon Echo Dot. Well done also...
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SMSC Theme of the Week

The annual national Anti-Bullying Week organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. The theme for this year is ONE KIND WORD. Mrs Cain and Mrs Harris talked to students in assemblies about this particular theme and how important it is to be kind to each other at...
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