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Attendance Goes Platinum

Congratulations to the pupils who have received their platinum attendance badges for attending over the school target of 97% so far this year. Attendance is very strongly linked to academic success and by being in school, every day, ready to learn, students set themselves up for...
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Diagnosing with Southmoor Scholars

Last week the Scholars met our future medics in Year 13 (two of whom also did Scholars in Year 10!). Students rotated around several stalls and got to have a go with real life medical equipment, including reflex hammers, a stethoscope, bandages, and UV hand-washing gel. They...
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The Tempest Stirs

This week our Performing Arts Department have been working in partnership with the School’s Shakespeare Festival to put on a 30-minute performance of the Tempest, at Northern Stage in Newcastle on Monday 25th April.  Rowena was our co-facilitator/director who came in to...
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Make Your Mark Ballot

Last week, students have been completing a nationwide ballot to find out the top issues that are affecting young people today. The Sunderland Youth Parliament delivered ballot papers to school and a ballot box. Students watched a short presentation about the major issues and...
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A Tale as Old as Time

A few weeks ago our students took centre stage in four incredible performances of Bugsy Malone. Last week, it was their turn to be in the audience. On Wednesday afternoon 100 Southmoor Students and staff braved the elements and enjoyed a long walk to the Sunderland Empire Theatre...
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Raising & Giving Week

Last week we saw a variety of creative fundraising ideas unleashed with the help of our Sixth Form Council as part of ‘Raising and Giving Week’ in support of three local charities. From the classic sweets in the jar game, bake sales, competitions, car washing, waxing, henna,...
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Road Safe with The Riot Act

Year 8 took part in a live theatre-style performance by The Riot Act called ‘Josh Green’. This lively presentation gave students the opportunity to explore pedestrian safety, including on public transport, raising awareness of pedestrian dangers such as distractions (phones,...
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Raising Money for Red Sky

We were delighted to welcome back to school Sergio from Red Sky Foundation where the charity were presented with a cheque for £630.98 which was raised on our non-uniform day before the Christmas holidays. He was presented with the cheque in front of our newly installed external...
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Musical Masterclass with Southmoor Scholars

Rachel Clark from Newcastle University delivered a music workshop, covering elements of theory, composition and performance. The Scholars analysed pop music, described monophonic and polyphonic textures of musical pieces, and ‘actively listened’ to famous pieces of...
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