Half Term Art Competition Open!
Over half term we are asking pupils to stay creative as part of our half term art competition with the topic: ‘Art in the News’. Pupils are asked to produce a piece of artwork that is inspired by something that they have seen in the news in recent weeks. Obviously, COVID19 is dominating the news at the moment, but artwork can be inspired by any event that pupils perhaps feel strongly about or just find interesting. It can be a local, National or an International piece of news that inspires then. Pupils can produce a drawing, painting, collage, photomontage, 3D piece etc. The materials and approach that students use is entirely their choice.
There will be separate first prizes of £20 worth of vouchers for years 7-8, 9-11 and 12-13. Entries should be submitted to pupil reception straight after the Half Term Break. Full Name and Year group must be supplied with the artwork.
Good luck and get creative!