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Exploring Careers in the NHS

A small group of Year 10 with aspirations of a career in healthcare hopped in the minibus with Mrs Oliver-Orr to enjoy an event all about careers in the NHS, where they met a huge range of healthcare professionals and learned about daily life in lots of different roles. There...
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STEMFest on the Go

On Thursday 10th October, Mrs Oliver-Orr took a group of Year 7 & 8 students to the Beacon of light to take part in STEM Fest. There were a huge range of STEM-based companies there (with plenty of freebies!) and students took part with enthusiasm. Highlights included meeting...
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World Record Poetry

On Thursday 3rd October, we celebrated National Poetry Day in style! Pupils from Years 8 and 9 had the opportunity to explore this year’s theme of what ‘counts’ to them and what they think is important. Some pupils performed their poem for their class, with some...
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BBC Bite Size Road Show

We recently had a very special visit from the BBC Bitesize Careers Roadshow. The production team from the BBC set up lights, screens, microphones in the Main Hall and students in Years 7 to 9 and Sixth Form took part in presentations throughout the day. We were delighted to...
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