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Art at the Cutting Edge

On Thursday, a group of our Year 10 Art pupils attended a visit to City Hall to learn about the Knife Angel sculpture by Alfie Bradley, which is touring the nation and is currently on display in Keel Square, Sunderland. Pupils took park in a workshop by the Connor Brown Trust, a...
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Year 11 Know How to Party

After all of the hard work and effort put into their GCSEs, it was time for Year 11 to dress up and celebrate at our end of year prom, this year hosted at The Stadium of Light. Students arrived in style looking fabulous wearing their finest attire, ready for a fun evening full of...
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Scholars Graduate!

Southmoor Scholars 2024 Programme came to a close in the last couple of weeks. Students submitted their final projects, presented them to Mrs Maw and attended a graduation ceremony at Castle College in Durham University.  Our 2024 Scholars have shown exceptional curiosity,...
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Starting at Southmoor!

Last Monday we welcomed Year 6 pupils and their parents into Southmoor for our special transition evening. This was a chance to learn more about what’s in store for September, gather more information on life at Southmoor and meet form tutors as well as peers for the first time....
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