The Download on Digital Careers
Two weeks ago, Year 10 pupils visited the Sunderland Digital Careers event. They got a tour of the Bede Campus and what they offered at the college. They were shown their state-of-the-art gaming rooms and performing arts facility. They were then given a talk by two local app developers. They were inspired to think and create their very own app.
We then moved to a gaming room where pupils were allowed to create their own 2D animations. A talk by the lecturer on the courses available to them and the gaming engines they use to develop these games. Pupils really engaged in this task, and they all created their own animations. The lecturer was truly impressed.
Upon our return to the main campus, pupils were taken to experience their very own state of the art 3D immersive Igloo, that costs around £250,000. Pupils were shown what the future of teaching may entail by going through the anatomy of the digestive and circulatory systems. They thoroughly enjoyed the immersive space and marine tours. There were even visits to Paris and New York and pupils were encouraged to take selfies during their 360 experiences of the Igloo.
To end the day, the Year 10 pupils were given the opportunity to talk to the local digital career representatives. They were offered many freebies and a chance to hold hands and create a complete circuit to light a light bulb. All pupils filled out a question booklet and feedback forms online for a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.