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Year 11 Know How to Party

After all of the hard work and effort put into their GCSEs, it was time for Year 11 to dress up and celebrate by at their much-anticipated end of year Prom. This year’s event was in the Montgomery Suite at the Stadium of Light where students arrived in style wearing their finest...
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Southmoor Scholars Graduate

Year 10 students on the ‘Scholars’ programme from Southmoor Academy and Seaham School celebrated the completion of their final projects with a graduation event at Durham Castle. We were treated to a tour of the castle and took part in a ‘model UN’ debate...
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Super Scientific Thinkers

Back in May, some of our Year 10s completed the National Scientific Thinking Challenge, a series of over 30 questions aimed to test scientific problem-solving skills, including data interpretation and logical reasoning. We have recently received our results, with 10 of our...
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Back On The Map Again

We are delighted to once again have some of our year 10 students visit ‘Back on the Map’ in Hendon, who have been working with southmoor to build positive relationships with the local community.  A group of our Year 10 girls have continued to take part in a cooking course each...
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Taking on the Active Challenge

Last week teams from Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in the city School Games Active Challenge. Our competitors took part in fitness, golf, football and tennis challenges and their positive attitude and was a credit to themselves and our school. Our Year 9 competitors were Katie...
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Visitors from Across the World

Last Thursday, we welcomed 24 visitors from Hong Kong, a city and special administrative region in China, 6000 miles away. These visitors are all involved in developing a Careers Education programme in schools across the city of Hong Kong and were visiting the UK on a...
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Year 9 Look Forward

Year 9 have been working exceptionally hard in order to successfully graduate from Key Stage 3. Their progress in reading has been the best the school has seen, and in their subjects teachers have reported hard work and a positive attitude. We’d like to ask all parents and...
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Goodbye & Goodluck Year 11

We said goodbye to Year 11 students after weeks of incredibly hard work in revision sessions and completing their GCSE examinations. Pupils joined us on Monday morning for a special assembly where they took a trip down memory lane, received some last messages from our senior...
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Inquiring Minds with Year 2

Our ever-popular Insight programme was again inspiring young minds with advanced topics to get them thinking about who they are and what they could be. We welcomed Year 2 pupils from our feeder primaries for their own version of the Insight Raising Aspirations Days we offer to...
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Track and Field Glory for Southmoor Athletes

A number of Southmoor pupils represented Sunderland Schools at the Durham County Athletics Championships at Monkton Stadium on Saturday. All the pupils gave it their all and were rewarded with some fantastic performances, including two winners. Carter McQue won the Junior...
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