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GCSE Results Day 2023 Information

GCSE Results Day for 2023 is nearly here. GCSE results will be released on Thursday 24th August. Southmoor students who will be collecting their exam results will be able to do so from 10:15am on this day. We ask that students who are collecting their results please collect them...
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Geographic Surveying Students

Year 10 geographers  visited Newcastle and Seaham last week to collect data for their geographical enquiries. In Newcastle, they were lucky enough to be shown around the Helix by Professor Tom Bramald from Newcastle University. Tom spoke to students about Newcastle’s...
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Year 10 On Gambling Awareness

On Tuesday we welcomed into school Andy Margett from EPIC Risk Management to deliver a Gambling Awareness and Mental Health workshop to our Year 10 students as part of our Personal Development curriculum. During the workshop, Andy talked to students about his own story and how he...
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A Battlefields Adventure

Last Friday Mr Wood led a trip of 82 pupils on a Battlefields Trip to learn about the impact that the Great War had on the landscape and the areas in which it was fought, indeed discovering how and why the war led to so many deaths during the four year period.  Pupils from years...
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Superb Sports Afternoon

We continued to celebrate our Sports Days with students in Year 8 participating in separate events. With a range of sporting events taking place on our school playing fields from Olympic inspired archery, javelin and sprint to the classic sack race, three-legged race and...
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Awards Season Begins!

We kicked off our awards celebration season with ceremonies taking place for students in Year 8, 9 & 10 who were recognised for their achievement throughout this academic year. Both of our ceremonies were a resounding success with fantastic turnouts from parents and carers...
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Careers in Computing, IT & Marketing Week

Last week in Computing, IT and Enterprise & Marketing lessons, students have learned about a range of careers available if they choose to continue their studies in these areas. They have had an insight into university courses offered at the University of Sunderland and have...
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Year 9 Discover Sunderland University

Last Monday, 77 Year 9 students spent the day at Sunderland University taking part in a Destination Uni Day at the City Campus. This is the final part of our Year 9 programme with Sunderland University this year which has seen every student take part in three workshops in school...
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Year 10 Search for Sporting Glory

We celebrated our Keystage 4 Sports Days with students in Year 10 participating in separate events last Wednesday afternoon. With a range of sporting events taking place on our school playing fields from Olympic inspired archery, javelin and relay to the classic egg and spoon,...
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Future Space Explorers

With the help of Engineering UK, a Big Bang Event was hosted at Southmoor Academy last week! Students across all year groups were involved in some exciting STEM activities based around the theme of space exploration. Y7 students were able to visit Wonderdome, a mobile...
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