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Why Queue?

On Wednesday morning, we were delighted to welcome into school Theatre Space North East to deliver the annual ‘Why Queue?’ educational performance to our Year 7 students. The presentation encouraged students to think carefully about safe and sustainable travel options and it...
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Course Work

Pupils visited Sedgefield race course for a Racing to School Education Programme visit. The racecourse gave us unique access to areas which the public are usually restricted from and provided pupils with the opportunity to explore key skills in a unique, and outdoor learning...
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Attendoughnuts Awarded!

Our first awards for the Attendoughnuts attendance incentive were issued last week. Each form class has a chance to win doughnuts for their group by being in school every day. The more who attend, the better chance a group has at clinching the top prize in their year group. Our...
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Christmas Card Competition 2023

We are once again launching our annual Academy Christmas Card Competition to all KS3 pupils. They must design their card at home and there will be a small prize for all entries and a bigger prize for the winner. The winner will also see their design put into production to be the...
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Odd Socks On!

Last Friday we rounded off Anti-Bullying week by celebrating ‘Odd Socks Day’. We encouraged pupils and staff to wear mismatched socks as a way of celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion. This light-hearted and symbolic gesture helps serve as a reminder that being different...
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Odd Socks at the Ready

To mark Anti-Bullying Week, we are once again encouraging students to wear odd socks in celebration of individuality and what makes us unique. It’s easy to take part, all students need to do is turn up to school next Friday 17th November wearing a pair or odd socks (these may be...
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Southmoor Scholars Return

Peter Beveridge – a senior lecturer in Crime Scene Science at Teesside University – delivered the first talk of this year’s Southmoor Scholars lecture series. Using some willing volunteers, students re-enacted a possible crime scene, considering the motives of...
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Year 10 Work Experience Launch

Last Tuesday, Mr Wareham launched this year’s work experience programme for Year 10 students. In June, all students in Year 10 have the opportunity to complete a week’s work placement with an organisation to gain experience in the world of work and prepare them for...
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Student Council Revealed

Prior to the half term break, our students council were elected after the candidates showed their manifestos to their peers. Congratulations to the following students who will now serve their term over the next year, acting as ambassadors to the school and liaising with senior...
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Remembrance 2023

During assemblies last week, Mr Wright spoke to our students about the meaning of Remembrance but also discussed the number of young people that have been involved in conflict, both on the front line and also as citizens living in a country, and that young people continued to be...
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