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Money Talks

Last week, we were delighted to welcome representatives from Sunderland University for our continuing project with our Year 9 students. Two weeks’ ago, all students in Year 9 visited the university for our Careers Fair. Last week, students took part in a session about ‘Money...
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Christmas Card Winners!

Well done to: Lucas Barrie (Year 8), who won our art competition to create this year’s official academy Christmas card. Lucas impressed the judges with a lovely bauble themed design featuring the school’s motto. Well done Lucas, the winning card will now be turned into an...
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Building STEM Skills with Lego Engineers

Last week, we had Sean and Fatima joined our Year 7s as they became Lego Engineers! Each Year 7 class took part in this workshop on either Monday or Tuesday. First, we discussed different jobs in STEM and the skills that were needed these roles. Pupils were then put into groups...
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Myth Making with Southmoor Scholars

Elaine Effard visited from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, to deliver a session to our Scholars on ‘subverting the narrative’. Students were challenged to think about ‘given’ tropes in fairytales, and consider how we could put a modern-day twist on...
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Air Cadets on the Up

Cadets from our Combined Cadet Force Section are flying high with two communications awards and several aerospace exam passes. As part of a varied and exciting syllabus, cadets undertake several practical and theoretical subjects which entitle them to a BTEC in Aerospace Studies...
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Study Retreat at Derwent Hill

A group of Year 11 students spent three days at the Derwent Hill Activity Centre last weekend. As well as braving the cold weather to take part in a number of team-building and adventurous activities, including gorge walking, kayaking, trekking and climbing, pupils spent time...
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Yes Arts Fest with Back on the Map

Back on the Map Sunderland are holding an ‘Arts Fest’ this Tuesday full of interesting creative opportunities. YES Arts Fest will give young people and their carers the chance to work with artists and try different workshops including badge-making, zines, animation...
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Tin Appeal Launch 2023

This Monday we  launched our annual Tin Appeal. Every year, our Tin Appeal supports local charities who provide meals for those in need in our city over the Christmas period. We always collect a record number of tins and this year we are again aiming for over 3500 tins. As usual,...
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Sixth Form Open Evening 2023

We saw a fantastic turnout for our latest Sixth Form Open Evening at Southmoor, last week, with students and their parents from schools from across the area flocking to find out more about the special level of support we give our students. It was a chance for potential sixth...
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Careers Fair 2023

Last Thursday, we held our most ambitious Careers Fair yet. For the second year running, the University of Sunderland generously gave us the use of their Sports Hall in the City Space building to once again host our Careers Fair. Nearly 1000 students in Years 9 to 13 were able to...
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