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Sporting Student Success

We already have some shining success stories to report in our key stage three students. Well done to Harry Ryan, Olly New and Joshua Scott (Year 8) who, after their success in leading the Southmoor Year 7 squad to glory last year, have been selected to play for Sunderland School...
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Presenting Southmoor

At the end of last year our PR team were hard at work with video production professionals to produce a new promotional video for Southmoor. We are now delighted to present to you the final version of the film which you can view by clicking the video below.  This video is intended...
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Open Evening 2023

This year’s annual open evening once again highlighted Southmoor’s enduring appeal to parents, drawing a substantial crowd of visitors to our academy eager to discover more about us. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our unique qualities and explain why we...
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Time for Alumni Tea

We’re inviting all Southmoor Alumni to come and catch up with others from your time at Southmoor; network with other alumni and school staff; hear about the exciting benefits and opportunities that being a Southmoor Alumni has in store in the coming year; and meet with current...
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Year 11 Progress Evening

We kicked off our first week in school by hosting the very first progress evening of the year for Year 11 students. This is the most important year in their education so far for our Year 11 students, so we have hit the ground running by emphasising the importance of these next...
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Super Summer School

Over the summer we had a great time hosting our incoming year 7 students for our always popular Summer School. This year we had all sorts of amazing activities including inflatable obstacle fun, workshops, multi sports activities and much more! Our pupils had a great time getting...
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Hello, Year 7

A massive and very warm welcome to our new Year 7 students who joined us first thing on Tuesday morning. Our new pupils arrived at school looking impeccably smart, with plenty of smiles as they lined up in their new form classes in the early-morning sunshine. Students were...
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Geographic Surveying Students

Year 10 geographers  visited Newcastle and Seaham last week to collect data for their geographical enquiries. In Newcastle, they were lucky enough to be shown around the Helix by Professor Tom Bramald from Newcastle University. Tom spoke to students about Newcastle’s...
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Year 10 On Gambling Awareness

On Tuesday we welcomed into school Andy Margett from EPIC Risk Management to deliver a Gambling Awareness and Mental Health workshop to our Year 10 students as part of our Personal Development curriculum. During the workshop, Andy talked to students about his own story and how he...
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A Battlefields Adventure

Last Friday Mr Wood led a trip of 82 pupils on a Battlefields Trip to learn about the impact that the Great War had on the landscape and the areas in which it was fought, indeed discovering how and why the war led to so many deaths during the four year period.  Pupils from years...
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