Southmoor Ices
Last week saw the reintroduction of our Principal’s Awards. The Principal’s rewards categories are academic achievement, sporting achievement, and personal / social development and will be nominated by staff each week who feel they have a student who has demonstrated exemplary achievement or improvement in one of these catagories.
Alongside the return of our Principal’s awards, we have also introduced our ‘Southmoor Ices’ rewards. This is intended as a small treat to pupils who staff deem to have earned a reward in the form of an ices ticket that they can redeem for a refreshing ice cream at our brand new ‘Southmoor Ices’ cart which will be patrolling the field and yard at lunchtimes.
Mr. Garrett proudly shows off our new ice cream cart in assembly informing our students about the new rewards on offer from last week.
Our ice cream cart has already proved popular with our students, who have flocked to redeem their well earned tickets for a tasty treat.