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Shakespeare Schools Festival

Last week, in preparation for our performance in of Twelfth Night, a professional director visited Southmoor to work with cast members.  Rowena led students through character development activities, watched our work in progress and gave advice for improvements. She was amazed by...
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BAE Systems RAF & Royal Navy Roadshow

On Tuesday morning, we were delighted to welcome the BAE Systems, RAF and Royal Navy STEM Roadshow into school to deliver worshops to Years 7 and 8 students. The theme of the workshops this year was ‘From the depths of the oceans to outer space’. During the session,...
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Year 7 Discover Bamburgh

For the second year in a row, we took every single Year 7 student on a day trip to Bamburgh Castle in Northumberland on Friday. Our students enjoyed their trip north to the picturesque setting, exploring the 10th century building and its rich history, which is now fully open to...
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