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Welcome to Year 10

Last week we held our ‘Introduction to Year 10 Evening’ to support pupils and their carers as they made the important move from Keystage 3 to Keystage 4. This included what to expect as students make the shift towards more intensive preparation for their GCSEs as well as...
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CCF Reporting In

Just before the Summer break, staff and a cadet from our Combined Cadet Force Section had the honour of attending a reception at St James’s Palace and the unexpected delight of meeting His Majesty the King! The invitation to attend was extended owing to the excellent work in...
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Year 7 Settling In

Our new Year 7 group are really settling into life at secondary school very quickly. After a first week of learning about the differences in secondary school and the big changes that come with it, they are quickly adapting to becoming exemplary students who are excited and eager...
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