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Careers in Computing, IT & Marketing Week

Last week in Computing, IT and Enterprise & Marketing lessons, students have learned about a range of careers available if they choose to continue their studies in these areas. They have had an insight into university courses offered at the University of Sunderland and have...
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Year 9 Discover Sunderland University

Last Monday, 77 Year 9 students spent the day at Sunderland University taking part in a Destination Uni Day at the City Campus. This is the final part of our Year 9 programme with Sunderland University this year which has seen every student take part in three workshops in school...
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Year 10 Search for Sporting Glory

We celebrated our Keystage 4 Sports Days with students in Year 10 participating in separate events last Wednesday afternoon. With a range of sporting events taking place on our school playing fields from Olympic inspired archery, javelin and relay to the classic egg and spoon,...
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